UX & Trend

Based in Spain. Driven by curiosity and innovation and ready to connect users to products of the future 🔮

Hi! 👋🏻 you can call me Maria Pilar or Mapi

Good research is human-centered and approaches problems and solutions with an ethical mindset and works towards accessibility.

UX Researcher

I like to work with mixed research methods that complement each other to obtain a deeper understanding of a problem. I also have experience in multicultural research.

Trend Forecaster

I look at present trends and identify signals for future ones. I rely on qualitative research but also quantitative data that helps me to look where no one else is looking.

Ethical values

I want to contribute to make technology more ethical. That is, technology that gives users freedom and is accessible for everyone.


If you would like to connect with me, you can send me a message or write an e-mail: itsmariapilar@gmail.com